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A member registered Aug 29, 2017

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Thank you very much! You're my new hero! :D

Sorry to annoy you again, but I see both this and the Horror City Tile Pack were on debut sale with 40%  off... what about bundling them together with 20% off so we can get both for 39.99? If that's not a possibility, then please just lemme know so I can get only the Slasher Forest for the full price, I'd rather get them both,  but I see these are awesome tiles so the normal price is still very fair. Thank you very much.

Your work is awesome! I know your work is extremely valuable and I'm embarrassed to ask this, but do you plan on making a sale/bundle for this asset and the horror city tile pack? I'm going to be 100% honest with you: at the current price I can only get one of them, and I'll gladly do so if you tell me you won't put them on sale, however, if you put them on sale I could be able to get'em both :P.